You Ready? Try this QUICK pre-EXPEDITION warmup to see what is on your horizon! Try the following exercise to discover the shift from the ordinary left brain verbal, analytic state to the right brain spatial, nonverbal state. By recognizing the slightly different feeling this shift produces, you will be able to foster this state within yourself to help your creative thinking and problem solving. The following exercise is taken from "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" by Betty Edwards. VASE-FACES DRAWING #1 Before you begin: First, read all the directions for the exercise.
After you finish: Now that you have completed the Vase-Faces drawing, think back on how you did it. The first profile was probably rather rapidly drawn and then, as you were instructed, redrawn while verbalizing the names of the parts as you went back over the features. This is a left brain hemisphere mode of processing: drawing symbolic shapes from memory and naming them. In drawing the second profile (that is, the profile that completes the vase), you may have experienced some confusion or conflict, as I mentioned. To continue the drawing, you had to find a different way, some different process. You probably lost the sense of drawing a profile and found yourself scanning back and forth in the space between the profiles, estimating angles, curves, inward-curving and outward-curving shapes, and lengths of line in relation to the opposite shapes, which now become unnamed and unnamable. Putting it another way, you made constant adjustments in the line you were drawing by checking where you were and where you were going, by scanning the space between the first profile and you copy in reverse. Congratulations,
you have ascended the first ridge of your journey. The exploring and mapping of your
creative terrain has begun. |
Learning to |
Gather your supplies and embark on |
**Expeditions are customized to suit client
needs. Expeditions range from 2 hours to multiple day. Sign
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